Latvian trees

Commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Japan and Latvia
February 9, 2018
Dace Treija-Masi, the third Latvian ambassador to Japan, visited Kwansei Gakuin.

February 19, 2015
Sandra Kalniete, Member of the European Government and former Foreign Minister of Latvia, visited Kwansei Gakuin with her husband and said, “For me it was a very emotional discovery to learn that my compatriot professor Jānis Ozoliņš worked in this University.”

October 30, 2014
Juris Poikāns, Ambassador for the Eastern Partnership, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, visited Kwansei Gakuin.

October 14, 2014
Normans Penke, Latvian Ambassador to Japan, visited Kwansei Gakuin. A photo was taken in front of the memorial trees.

Aug. 25, 2014
Saplings are getting tall.

Feb. 22, 2013
Four saplings (left: birch, right: oak) are protected carefully.
Feb. 21, 2013
Tree planting ceremony was held. From left: Takutoshi Inoue, President of Kwansei Gakuin University, Toshiyuki Taga, Japanese Ambassador to Latvia, Pēteris Vaivars, Latvian Ambassador to Japan, and Ruth Grubel, Chancellor of Kwansei Gakuin
April 18, 2012
Fresh green leaves! Front row: oak, back row: birch.
小さな苗木に緑の葉っぱが! 前列:オーク、後列:シラカバ。
March 22, 2012
Spring has come!
Oct. 20, 2011
Mr. Pēteris Vaivars, the first Latvian ambassador to Japan, visited Kwansei Gakuin to present several saplings of oak, the national tree of Latvia, and white birch to President Takutoshi Inoue, Kwansei Gakuin University, in commemoration of a Latvian teacher named Ian Ozolin who had taught English at Kwansei Gakuin College from 1918 to 1921. "Ozolin" means "oak" in Latvian.
Sept 22, 2011
Just arrived in Japan from Latvia via Helsinki. Keizo Ueno, Riga Wood Japan, and saplings.